FlushDetox™ + 4 week to good Health
FlushDetox™ is an effective weekend cleanse that aids your gut in regaining function and purifying both itself and the body from toxins.

FlushDetox™ is an effective weekend cleanse that aids your gut in regaining function and purifying both itself and the body from toxins.
Dr Sanna before and after she started the life transforming FlushDetox™-protocol plus intermittent fasting. Repetition makes the Master!
Photo to left: October 2015 before FlushDetox™. "I was often tired and struggled with irritable bowel syndrome, IBS, histamine intolerance, constantly swollen abdomen and sensitive to many things. No matter how much I exercised and starved, it did not change... A very depressing period in my life."
Photo to right: September 2020 after two months of FlushDetox and also intermittent fasting of 16 hours and sometimes up to 44 hours (Vass fasting - water fasting Sanna special): "I have a functioning and calm gut! High and steady energy: it felt like getting a new body. Back to how it was in the early 40s – so minus almost 20 years!"
When the body doesn't have enough time to cleanse, repair, and renew itself – you will suffer. This will result in an accumulation of poorly functioning proteins, older dysfuntional cells, and toxins, which over time lead to an accumulation of various negative effects.
... as it takes courage to change. Once you've taken the first step, half the battle is won!"
This course makes it easy for you! This program will give you:
A proven and effective 2-day detox program.
A simple step-by-step instructions guide you through the whole process.
Shrink hunger pangs and increase you well-being, feel satiated and content.!
Receive many inspiring and easy health hacks, such as 6 great breathing tips.
Dr. Sanna Ehdin is a Swedish health pioneer and an expert in self-healing with 45 years of experience in research and health.
Tens of thousands of people have successfully applied the FlushDetox protocol to improve their wellbeing, energy levels and bodies. That includes loosing or gaining weight – what ever was needed. FlushDetox can be your Golden ticket to the path of a new, healthier and more joyful life!
“Age 55 years, and throughout my entire life, I've experimented with countless home remedies, diets, medications. Nothing helps, and no one knows why. Except for you and your 2 teaspoons of sea salt (in FlushDetox™). Cost: = zero cents. You should receive a Nobel Prize. Thank you.”
“Two years ago, I started using FlushDetox™ and practicing extended intermittent fasting (water fasting), and I've successfully gotten rid of Type 2 Diabetes and shed the excess weight that was bothering me.”
“Besides all the benefits I've received from FlushDetox™ (and a 1.5-day food break), I no longer have PMS, anxiety, or anything similar. I'm consistently in a good mood and feeling great throughout the month! Hooray! Thank you.”
“"I've had significant stomach issues, extremely foul-smelling gas, constant pain, bloating, and so on. That's why I started doing saltwater flushes 1–2 times a week – and that's when the big change happened: no more stomach pain, no gas, and no bloating! Now I do this 1–2 times a month, and my stomach is in good shape. It's calm and no longer swollen."”
“I do the saltwater flush from time to time, and it works well for me. The first time, in particular, I experienced a significant improvement in my connection with my stomach. It had seemed closed off and inaccessible, but now I felt a physical and even emotional connection with my stomach and gut, more whole. It feels like the whote gut area (intestines) become softer and more flexible after each FlushDetox™.”
“I'm so happy that you exist, Sanna, and that you're spreading important knowledge. I read your book 'The Self-Healing Human' from time to time when I need a boost to improve my life and habits, etc. I'm also planning to get the other books, I have the cookbook... it's wonderful with recipes; it's easier to create healthier meals when I have inspiration from you. Keep up the good and great work! Super THANK YOU for everything!”
“Fasting is a method. I have truly improved my health after learning the importance of fasting. Thank you, Sanna Ehdin, for sharing your knowledge.”
“Thank you for your groundbreaking research, your clarity, and your courage. I'm testing not your protocols for the FlushDetox™ and then VASS-fasting™. Several of my clients have also done it and they are very happy with the results.”
“I don't know if you hear this too often, but you were the one who kickstarted the health consciousness among people here in Sweden at the turn of the Millennium. I am immensely grateful for that.”
Welcome to Your New Life!
FREE PREVIEWAbout Dr. Sanna Ehdin
Fasting is Not for Everyone
Why FlushDetox™?
What is a Detox?
A Gift to Your Body
What is an Unhealthy versus a Healthy Lifestyle?
Do you have a Fear of Hunger?
Introduktion 4 weeks program
FREE PREVIEW1. FlushDetox™
2. Intermittent fasting
3. Eat collagen rich food
Shopping List
Schematic overview of the FlushDetox™
First Evening
First Full Day
The second full day
The benefits of drinking warm water
6 tips for better breathing habits
Belly breathing stimulates the intestine
Everything depends on the starting point
The health of the gut indicates the health of the body
Alkalize with Baking Soda
Sea Salt and Electrolyte Deficiency
Alkaline Flush
FlushDetox by Dr Sanna
How to Perform the Saltwater Flush
Activated Charcoal
Bone broth
FREE PREVIEWThe high intelligence is aquired during million years of Evolution. BI – Body Intelligence